Mimi, a.k.a Style Tourista, is an artist, designer, writer, traveler and philanthropist. She She was born, raised and trained in her parents fashion company in the Philippines and is now living in her favourite city in the world, Zürich, Switzerland. At around 6 years old, she started grabbing her coloring pencils and quickly drew ladies from various cultures with fashionable outfits and ornaments. At not even at the age of 1, her roots in traveling and her curiousity for this world started to kick in and was deeply encouraged by one of the world's best travelled men, her father - Thomas the Nomad.
Sooner or later, Mimi's art, designs and travels molded into a distinctive adoration for women and their lifestyle from different cultural backgrounds. She started listening to tales of struggles and womanhood, which depicts a vibrant, comical and poetic manner in Mimi's art. Each of her piece is a product of months of labor-intensive research and work.
Mimi has been working with commissions and have done different collaborations - please visit the press page to see some of the works or contact her directly if you want to request for a collaboration or commision.
We currently have sold out our stock and our shop items will be available again soon - date to be defined. There will also be a big art project release on 2024. Do subscribe below to stay tuned!
As a philanthropist, it is important for Mimi to give back to society. She has been working on projects to help troubled children and women in need since the age of 16. She dedicates to contribute 1% of sales from her shop (whether offline or online) towards this. She desires to be more environmental conscious on both the materials she choses to work with and the approach.
Bim Bam
featured interview as an upcoming creative entrepreneurs in Zürich.
New York
Style Tourista jewelry is on the front page of the Javit Center Magazine.
Happy Soul
music video collaboration with the Happy Souls feat. Style tourista jewelry.
supporting women & children in need by donating 1% of sale.